Friday, August 04, 2006

Rockets-Lakers Debate #2

Gov: Fuck Mavs signed George! Painful man!

Ken: What's good about it is they got him cheap!

Gov: Yeah tangina! Fucking hurts man!

Ken: Ok lang he can't play with Kobe anyway. Well, not like Kobe can play with anyone.

Gov: Fuck you! It stings! George is the spark off the bench every team needs!

Ken: Not when Kobe's there to douse everyone's spark! His nickname shouldn't be "Black Mamba". It should be "Black Hole"!

Gov: Fuck Battier!

Ken: At least he's more useful than Odom even if it's only because Lamar can't function as well as he can with Kobe sucking the life out of everyone!

Gov: Kobe has found God man!

Ken: God of rape and infinite jumpshots!

Gov: Better than back spasms and having a cousin that plays better!

Ken: Fuck that! Back spasms are unavoidable! Ballhogness is unacceptable behaviour!

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